What does it really mean to be a minimalist?

There are a variety of applications of the term: as a design aesthetic, as a productivity method, as an approach to life.

Minimalist design window view

Each definition of minimalism has it's place.

For me, effective minimalism is a way of approaching life that leads to intentional experiencing of the present moment. Specifically, it's about reducing distractiions, rather than focusing on the clutter of material items.

A stack of rocks by the ocean

Minimalism in context

There are a variety of spiritual traditions in the world, but a commonality of each is the focus on inner peace and silence. Effective minimalism quiets the voices that distract us. This can play out in a variety of different ways. It's about reducing input, but not by creating silos. In our digital age, it's tempting to think that having lots of information leads us to make better decisions; instead it leads to confirmation bias and ends discussion. Turning off the channels for overcommunication reduces our perpetual overwhelm and forces us to sit with our thoughts. When questions arise, rather than Googling the answer, ask the nearest real person - they'll probably be taken off-guard, but the question is an opportunity for meaningful connection.

Taking this a step further, whether you're an introvert or an extravert, you're exposed to constant stimuli. Our minds naturally want to continue this pace, and so we look for input when we'd otherwise be bored: podcasts, to-do lists, audiobooks, catching up on email. Disconnect. Your mind will surprise you with the beauty that it creates.

Material Possessions are a part of the puzzle

Material things are also part of this concept - but rather than starting with them, we close here because our stuff is mostly an extension of how we think. After unplugging from constant updates and information and distraction, we notice our environment. What in your life can you meaningfully connect with? There's a limit. Find out what brings you joy; discard the rest.

Effective minimalism isn't about how little you have - it's about what you can intentionally engage with. We live in a world where there are too many stimuli to process. Disconnecting just enough allows us to find deeper meaning in what we have, but also in what we do and how we connect.

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