Our culture is in a time of turmoil. You don't need me to tell you that. Whether you hear it on the news, around the watercooler, or in your social feed, it's unequivocally asserted that we can't go on like this for much longer. Or at least that's what we most often hear. People want a change, something new, something different; presumably, something better. World peace has long been that vague, elusive goal. To some, it seemed closer as global connections grew; others asserted that "familiarity breeds contempt." The reality is that differing opinions are what keep us honest and connected, and what force us to make progress.
In a world so focused on appearance, different opinions and ideals bring out who we really are. It's far easier to convince your friends that you are trustworthy and "right" than it is to make your enemies believe that. But the reality is that those with a different opinion from you are the ones who see the world differently; sometimes they are completely wrong, but more often than not, things are visible to them that you simply cannot see. Contention forces us to consider and reconsider our opinions far more often than our friends would have us do.
While we might like to believe that world peace would mean everyone loving each other and having fun together all of the time, the reality is that comfort breeds a desire for more comfort; and people can make us uncomfortable. More often than not, seeking out our own comfort is more important than engaging those around us-not because we are anti-social, but because we are safest when we only have to care for ourselves-at least so we begin to believe. There would be world peace if we all kept to ourselves. Contention with one another isn't comfortable, but a respectful difference of opinion keeps the conversation going.
At some point, the impasse has always been broken. Progress for one group might not look like progress for another group, but the reality is that we are each wrong occasionally. Sometimes, the tragic reality is that what is touted as "progress" really is a dramatic regression. But even the worst movements can teach us-if only what not to do. Contention brings the different views of reality into greater clarity than a comfortable conversation with friends often can.
Contention isn't comfortable. Nor does it always result in the best outcomes. But without it, we as a society would become self-righteous, distant and stagnant. We grow most when we are willing to broaden our understanding of the world. This looks differently depending on where you stand right now. But the goal should be the same for each of us: listen to others, share perspectives they might be missing, and be willing to grow towards a meaningful existence, whatever the cost.