For me (and most people I know), it is some form of fear that most often holds me back. Fear of the unknown is common to all of us, and a healthy amount can sometimes be helpful. The reality is that the world is full of things which are really scary, and quite dangerous. But the danger of this fear of the unknown common to all of us is that many times, what we are considering doesn't fall into the category of what is really dangerous. Is it dangerous to quit a job you don't love and make your own way in the world as a freelancer? It depends on what you mean by dangerous. Here are three reasons you should consider uprooting the habits in your life that are comfortable but don't help you grow.

1. Danger is relative to what you have to lose.

What if tomorrow you wake up and quit your job? That probably sounds scary. What if you had only a week left to live when you quit your job? Not having somewhere to work probably sounds less frightening. The danger of the unknown is relative to what we have to lose. Quitting your job without prior planning is scary if you're going to have to make ends meet for the next half-century, but if you don't have a future to worry about, your priorities change. Don't plan for what you cannot know, challenge yourself to make the most of the only time-frame you can control-the moment you're living in.

2. Loss is less costly than you can imagine.

You might not consider yourself an imaginative person, but when it comes to the unknown, your mind has more power over your choices than you might realize. Don't let your thoughts make your decisions for you. The likelihood of the worst you can imagine happening is very low, and even if it does, you'll find ways to make it through it, just like you do every day when little things don't go like you want. We can imagine things being pretty bad, but our minds have more power to make us afraid than we let ourselves believe.

3. Challenging the way you do things makes you grow much more than simple routines.

I like routines; and in many ways, habits are helpful in making us more productive and effective at what we do. But they are also addictive. Now, this isn't the kind of addiction that we normally are encouraged to fight, because a healthy habit-like waking up early and eating a healthy breakfast-isn't something that will consume us in the same way as alcoholism. Sometimes, though, we get too comfortable in our habits; additionally, some habits aren't as obviously healthy as awaking early. Television to help you relax each night before bed can be seen as a healthy habit, but might there be a healthier alternative. I'm not saying that you need to switch your favorite TV show each night for painting and classical music. But try breaking your routines-and see what you can do without, and why you do what you do!

Change your perspective.

Expand what you believe is true-challenge your perspective when you think that your fears might come true. What is the absolute worse that can happen? Would it really be that bad? Step into the unknown and find out what is really out there-because instead of loss, there might be more abundance than you can imagine!