Your Path is Yours to Take
What You Do is Up to You
First, start with just today! It can be so tempting for some of us to focus so much on the long term picture that we forget where we are. It's OK to look ahead, but keep your thoughts in the moment.
Second, recognize your abilities and resources. We have all been blessed with attributes and opportunities that we can use to make a difference. Don't underestimate what you have to offer. Whatever your field of expertise, you can probably think of someone who knows more than you, or does it better. Focus instead on what you do well, and don't waste time in comparing yourself to others.
Third, make a plan or set a goal. While we all have our own style for motivation, it is key that you know what you are working towards. Take the time to figure out what a positive outcome means for you before diving into it.
Finally, do it! This is the most important part. In fact, if you have time for only one of these recommendations, I'd say this is the most important part. I have often found in myself the tendency let opportunities slip by because I spend too much time planning or too much time postulating about my resources, and don't just get out there and do it.