Take inventory
of what you have
How many pairs of socks are in your drawer? If you're like me, you can't answer that type of question off the top of your head. In fact, unless the answer is zero, you probably never think about it. For something like socks this isn't a big deal. But how much money did you spend eating out last week? How many hours did you sit in front of the television, or spend looking at your phone? If you're like me, you don't have those numbers immediately accessible either. But they are ones that can actually impact your life. Whether and how you track your expenditures is a personal decision (although Toggl and Mint are two excellent resources that could give you answers to both of those questions). But taking inventory of what you have is the first step to recognizing redundancies.
Consider what
is relevant
Do you need to know how much time you spent eating last week? Unless you're on a crazy-tight schedule, you probably don't need to cut down on your meal-time. But maybe an accurate measure of your average commute would make you reconsider your current job. Or at least whether you look into working from home a few days a month. Do you need to know the number of calories you had at breakfast? Probably not. But making a note of how many times you've eaten out, and what kind of meals you have might just help you rebound from that second plate you had at Thanksgiving. Consider what is relevant: what do you need to know?
Apply resources in
proportion to the goal
Not everything needs to be changed. In fact, precision is about focusing only on what is relevant to consider in making decisions. But there are almost certainly some areas in your life that could use some refining. I know there are in mine. After taking inventory of what is going on in your life, and considering what you could improve, think about your goals. Do you want to write shorter, more effective e-mails? Spend some time researching effective strategies. But you're likely only to save a few minutes per e-mail, so don't pour hours into it. Find a better strategy, and then improve over time. If you write enough e-mails to care how much time you're spending on them, you'll be getting enough practice.