We all have three resources: time, money and energy. A lot has been said about how to manage time. Productivity gurus like Tim Ferriss have provided a plethora of ways to hack productivity through time management. Much has also been said about how to manage money. From Ramit Sethi to Dave Ramsey to Mr. Money Mustache, there are myriad approaches to finances. But when it comes to energy, much less has been said. There are some good explanations for this: 1) it's not possible to quantify energy. 2) Energy varies internally among people. 3) There are different types of energy, used in different ways and restored differently. Nonetheless, I've noticed in my own life that energy has become my resource of focus. Because time and money are easy to quantify, it's possible to "hack" them. But energy is more challenging, and therefore deserves attention.
In order to have a meaningful conversation about energy, we have to define it in useful ways. While we can't quantify energy, we can quantify what gives energy, and what takes it. We'll define "creative experiences" as those that use energy, and "restorative experiences" as those that generate energy.
Energy levels vary among people, but for the purposes of this discussion, we'll focus on two types of energy - mental and physical. These each have their own creative or restorative experiences. For everyone, what is creative or restorative, and to a degree, mental or physical will vary; but if we plot these on two axes we can effectively begin the conversation of understanding and fully making use of energy.
Creative experiences take our internal energy and apply it to the environment to produce change or growth. There is a wide range of creativity: sketching for oneself or journaling are creative experiences, but are done of one's own volition. Exercising to lose weight or creating a spreadsheet at work are creative experiences that are obligatory or done for extrinsic values. Each type has it's place and uses a different amount of energy.
Restorative experiences replenish our reserves and fill us up. There are a wide range of restorative experiences: mindfulness meditation and sleep; reflection and time in nature. Similarly, some of these can't be omitted without a penalty, others are sometimes never practiced.
We can further complicate things with personalities and proclivities - introverts won't gain energy by being around groups of people, while extraverts can't do without. Some people find art naturally comforting, and others are outside of their comfort zone when practicing it. Nonetheless, this spectrum provides a means to begin quantifying a resource that is valuable, but challenging to understand.
Creative experiences are our legacy, our footprint in the world. They touch others and shape the reality of the future. They are undeniably valuable. But they require expending energy; after long enough, without restorative experiences, they can deplete us. And so, restorative experiences provide us the opportunities to reconnect with ourselves and our values, to find our footing, and to refuel ourselves. This spectrum for energy applies to both our mental and physical pursuits, and putting this all together, we have the tools to understand energy.